Destiny 2 Hack The Planet Bugged
Good evening, I am unable to uncover this bronze trophy despite getting together with the specifications earlier today. I hacked 22 enemies. 17 of the hacks had been her Compromise capability, and not really her EMP greatest. I do not pass away once. Admittedly, I am disappointed as I've been trying to obtain this trophy since she had been included to the game.

It'h daughting to try again as if the trophy will be glitching then it'll be moot. If somebody could generously point me in a direction on how to resolve this, or who could resolve this concern after that that'll become fantastic. EDIT: The mode had been quickplay.
A: The Bungie API currently says that all weapons can potentially roll with all stats as their masterwork stat. This obviously isn't accurate, as Blast Radius isn't applicable to, say, Auto Rifles. Hack the Planet and Deep Conversation are two mid-level Adventures you'll unlock in Destiny 2, and are available to play in the Nessus planetary area from around half way through the main story. Hack the Planet is an Adventure on Nessus. It is unlocked in tandem with all other Nessus adventures after completion of the mission Six. It is narratively related to the adventure Deep Conversation, and Release.