Real Ass Podcast Reddit

Six perspectives on coming out, told firsthand from Reddit users—and employees—in a new segment called Storyboard. Here's an animated clip from one one of the stories featured in the podcast. Real Ass Podcast. Real Ass Podcast with Luis J. Gomez, Zac Amico, and Chris Scopo. Gomez and Zac Amico are joined by Des Bishop and Katie Boyle for a very special Irish edition of the Real Ass Podcast! They discuss crazy stuff that happens on the subway and how Luis continues to save lives, growing up with Catholic guilt, how Des and Katie started their podcast 'The Shift', Katie's sexual experience, why women are attracted to married men, Katie's jealous boyfriend.
Gomez and Zac Amico are usually joined by Shane GiIlis and Chrissie Máyr and they discuss Luis't thoughts on the evaluation of the display by Karl ánd Doug on Whó Are These Podcasts?, why Chrissie refused to do their present, Luis's retaliation against the additional podcast which contains doxing the podcasters, making great on his guarantee to get their female friends and even more!